The Arab Academy in Denmark
Website: NA
Country: Denmark
Year Established:

The Arab Center for Educational Research for the Gulf States
Website: NA
Country: Kuwait
Year Established:

The Arab Institution for Education, Science and Arts
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established:

The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA)
Website: NA
Country: Belgium
Year Established:

The Arabian Aquaculture Society
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established:

The Arabic Portal for Librarianship and Information
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established:

The Designer's Scientific Society
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established:

The Egyptian Academic Society for Environmental Development
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established:

The Egyptian Association for Sheep and Goat
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established:

The Egyptian Center For Public Policy Studies (ECPPS)
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established:

The Egyptian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established:

The Egyptian Society for Science Education
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established: