Muʼassasat al-Mashrūʻ lil-Tafkīr wa-al-Takwīn
Website: NA
Country: Morocco
Year Established:

Muʼassasat al-Mashrūʻ lil-Tafkīr wa-al-Takwīn
Website: NA
Country: Morocco
Year Established:

Muʼassasat Muqārabāt lil-Nashr wa-al-Ṣināʻāt al-Thaqāfīyah
Website: NA
Country: Morocco
Year Established:

National Library Singapore
Website: NA
Country: Singapore
Year Established:

National Library Singapore
Website: NA
Country: Singapore
Year Established:

Oxford University Press
Website: NA
Country: United Kingdom
Year Established:

Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS)
Website: NA
Country: Palestine
Year Established:

Palestinian Arabic Language Academy
Website: NA
Country: Palestine
Year Established:

Palestinian Return Centre
Website: NA
Country: United Kingdom
Year Established:

Publication of Fikr
Website: NA
Country: Morocco
Year Established:

Research and Development of Human Recourses Center (REMAH)
Website: NA
Country: Jordan
Year Established:

Scientific Home Bookshop
Website: NA
Country: Egypt
Year Established: